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posted by 眼镜男的天空

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Last sunday, Lyon accidentaly scatch his eyes by his specs
what a weird accident, lol XD
but, it seems like quite serious~
cause it is pain and he cnt even open his eyes properly...
and his cried for whole morning, tsk tsk...
nt crying la, just the tears keep on dropping

So, after the sunday service, we decide to bring him to clinic
unfortunately all clinic are closed on sunday
we still try our luck
bring along the gps and seacrh around in Ipoh

Finally, we stopped at Pantai hospital.
All the doctors were off that day
so, we went to the emergency unit.
We were feeling weird and keep laughing.
Every1 in the emergency unit look so down
only 4 of us keep fooling around @@

What a special experience to be in EMERGENCY UNIT XD

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