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Hemoglobin test

posted by 眼镜男的天空

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Hemoglobin test a.k.a blood test ~
Just try to make it sounds more scientific XD
erm, i know it's a bit childish. LOL

Went for blood test today
seriously, no purpose. hahaha
Just to figure out whether my body goes well ?

Blood test enable us to know any antigen or virus present in our body.
And its actually good to do regular blood test.
Yet this is my first time.
Not for forget, tracie go with me ^^

 We choose GRIBBLES, an internationally well known pathology lab.
And here it goes ~~
We took a number and wait for our turn.
Even we arrived at 815 but its already the 13th.
Firstly, we are given a yellow bottle and asked to collect some urine in it.
And, the 'nurse' there will collect your blood into three tubes.
Luckily, i have big vein and i am thin thus my vein can found easily.
Forget to took any picture of the process because we were too nervous.

The listed options in the following picture are the basic test.
RM99 for 42 types of test.
You can add on more on that of you need it.
We added on test for breast cancer and ovary cancer.

The blood test report can be collect after two days. 
Good day, people! ;D


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